Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is up

Our tentative scheduled time to record is some long weekend in mid-March. Song five is finished as of today, minus vocals. That's out of six or seven that we're shooting for. Our desire to pump some post-quartet Reptilian into your ears is overwhelming.

Other things that kick ass on the horizon are: a weekend with Bad Words, Charles the Osprey, Good Teeth/Gold Teeth, and The Midwestern. Both days, all five bands. Grand Rapids then Chicago.

And THEN: a string of three or four shows with Annabel and Joie De Vivre at the end of April.

ALSO, this Summer we set out on the road for a month beginning June 26. We'll have specifics on that soon.

PLUS Jon got an iPhone so in the future he better be doing all kinds of updates from the road.

This is all the good news swirling around us at the moment.

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